Department Of Electronics And Computer Engineering
Electronics and Telecommunication is a branch of engineering which has remarkably influenced the life of the mankind. Globalization has brought about a revolutionary change in the Electronics and Telecommunication sector & its diversified advancement has evolved into various innovations which were impossible in the primitive ages.
The department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering is established in 2008 with intake capacity of 60. The department has the state of art infrastructure, which includes classrooms and laboratories The department is having well qualified, experienced and dedicated faculty. The students of the department always excel in co-curricular and extracurricular activities. The department is committed to excellence in teaching learning process. To strengthen Industry Institute interaction the department has MoUs with different industries. Students are encouraged to learn beyond the class room teaching through guest lectures, industrial visits & workshops. To showcase students technical and presentation skills the department organizes various competitions/presentations.

- Name :Mrs. Mayuri S. Patil
- Designation : HOD
- Qualification :M.Tech.(Electronics)
- Teaching Experience : 12 Years
- Industrial Experience : —–
- Email
- Contact No :8308122880
Vision & Mission
“To provide quality education in Electronics & telecommunication engineering to prepare professionally competent engineers to meet societal needs.”
M-1: To impart knowledge in the field of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering to face the technological challenges.
M-2: To inculcate right attitude & ethical values among students.
M-3: To prepare students with professional skills for the successful career & motivate for higher education.

Program Education Objective (PEO)
- PEO 1 : To prepare students for higher studies & apply technical skills in Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering.
- PEO 2 : To prepare students for soft skills with ethical values & ability to work in team.
- PEO 3 : To develop professionalism with strong foundation in domain knowledge.